Our main priority in class is the safety of our students. Below are some tips to help you modify your workout during class. Always, always, listen to your body!
Tip #1. Any time that you feel you need to take a break for water, please do so, even if it is in the middle of a song. Keep your feet moving while you're drinking though to keep your heart rate from dropping too quickly.
Tip #2. Lower your arms or make smaller movements if you feel your heart rate is getting too high, or if you are feeling exhausted.
Tip #3. If you decide to take a little break and catch your breath, just march in place and pick back up with the routine when you are ready.
Tip #4. When doing lunges or squats, be sure to maintain a 90-degree angle in your legs, keeping your knee directly over your ankle. Leaning forward too far can cause undue stress on the knees & joints.
Tip #5. When stretching, never let your head drop below your heart. Like in tip #4, this causes an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Also maintain a slight bend in your knees when reaching towards the ground. Locking the knees can disrupt blood flow in your legs.
Tip #6. Be careful to not overextend while stretching, especially when stretching the neck. When doing neck rotations, don't let your head fall back too far. Try and protect the muscles in the neck and stretch within the range of comfort.
Additional tips/rules/guidelines for classes with QCSZ:
OK, enough of the talk...LET'S DANCE!! :)